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Stamped concrete pool deck Part 2 pouring the deck
June 10, 2019

Stamped Concrete Pool Deck

Part 2: Pouring the concrete

Hey it's Mike,

This is PART 2 of 4, where we're pouring the concrete for this very big stamped concrete pool deck.

When we pour the concrete around a pool, we always try to figure out how we're going to attack the finishing part of the process (in this case the stamping).

We want to make the pour as simple as possible but also make the finishing part go smoothly too.

When you have more than 1 load of concrete, you never know how each load will dry compared to the other, especially if some of the deck is in the sun and some in the shade.

Take a look how we poured this pool deck, where we started, and where we finished. You'll see why in Part 3 (the stamping part) coming up on Friday.

Stamped Concrete Pool Deck Part 2

Part 1: forming and prep

This first video in this 4 part series is about how we prep and form the pool deck patio for the pour.

On this pool deck we had to form the coping around the pool as well as the exterior forms. We used the Z-Poolforms system for the concrete coping.

The coping forming is quite an art form in itself. There's nobody in my area who forms with this system so it sets us apart from the competition. It's really a great system and is easy to form with once you learn how.

Check out the video to see how we formed this massive pool deck, then be on the look out for the remaining videos in the series, Part 2 pouring the pool deck, Part 3 stamping the concrete, Part 4 sawing, cleaning, and sealing the concrete.


P.S.I've started a private facebook group to share more insights and valuable information about what I do on an every day basis in my business.

If you'd like to be part of this exclusive group the link is below to join. It'll only be available for a couple weeks and is free to join.

The group will be a way for you to ask me and other concrete'ers questions and share out tips and techniques with each other.

Stamped Concrete Pool Deck: The Forming and Prep

Private facebook group Concrete Ninja's

If you want to learn how to install your own concrete slab like the one in the video below, I've got a step by step course that will teach you how. My Concrete Slab Course

Pouring a concrete slab foundation for a garage.



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