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Stamping a concrete pool deck Part 4 of Four clean and sealing the concrete June 17, 2019 |
Stamped Concrete Pool DeckPart 4: Saw cuts, Clean, and SealingMike here, In part 4 I'm going to show you how we saw the expansion joints in the pool deck, how we clean the concrete, and how we apply the concrete sealer. Sawing the expansion joints will help prevent any random shrinkage cracks from forming, although it will not guarantee the concrete won't crack somewhere other than a saw cut. Cleaning the concrete from all the loose release powder is very important. If you don't get all the loose release powder removed you could have some sealer de-bonding, flaking, or peeling. And we don't want that!! I'll show you how to properly clean a stamped concrete pool deck, or any type of stamped concrete before you seal it. After you clean, it's very important to let the concrete dry out for at least 24 hours before sealing it. If there's too much moisture in the concrete, it will cause problems with the sealer. Like turn it white in some areas. I'm going to show you the best concrete sealer I've found to seal and protect the concrete, and I'll also show you the best way to apply it. Watch the video to learn how!
Stamped concrete pool deck - Sawing, Cleaning, and Sealing
Part 3: Stamping the concrete
Part 3 of 4 is about how we stamp the concrete around this very large pool deck. We're using a heavy stone textured stamp from Marshalltown Co. These are awesome stamps to use for a pool deck. The reason I like them are: 1. The stone texture looks really nice when we're finished sealing the deck. 2. The stamps are very easy to use, you can set them on the concrete in any direction you like. 3. Marshalltown makes a very high quality stamp, lightweight but very durable. This is a 1480 sq. ft. pool deck we're stamping. In order to stamp this much concrete at one time you really have to know what you're doing and have a plan of attack. Once the concrete is ready, we'll only have a short amount of time to get the whole deck stamped before the concrete gets too firm. Watch how we stamp this pool deck and get it done working as a team in a very timely manner.
Part 1 & 2: forming, prep & pouringThis first video in this 4 part series is about how we prep and form the pool deck patio for the pour. On this pool deck we had to form the coping around the pool as well as the exterior forms. We used the Z-Poolforms system for the concrete coping. The coping forming is quite an art form in itself. There's nobody in my area who forms with this system so it sets us apart from the competition. It's really a great system and is easy to form with once you learn how. Check out the video to see how we formed this massive pool deck, then be on the look out for the remaining videos in the series, Part 2 pouring the pool deck, Part 3 stamping the concrete, Part 4 sawing, cleaning, and sealing the concrete.Mike P.S. I've started a private facebook group to share more insights and valuable information about what I do on an every day basis in my business. If you'd like to be part of this exclusive group the link is below to join. It'll only be available for a couple weeks and is free to join. The group will be a way for you to ask me and other concrete'ers questions and share out tips and techniques with each other.
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